Central Heating Feeder Tank Overflow
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Central Heating Feeder Tank Overflow

by NormanNovice » Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:36 pm


I've recently moved home and have the following problem;

I have an old Gas Fired Central Heating system and have a constant overflow from the C/H Feeder tank

The water coming out is a rusty colour and usually hot.

It appears to be coming back up the feed pipe and not the vent pipe and then obviously flowing out the overflow pipe.

I've traced the feed pipe and it goes into the bottom of the hot water tank and the top of the boiler downstairs.

The amount of water pouring out increases dramatically when the C/h system is turned on and the pump is going. When it's off there's a constant flow

I'm no expert, but was wandering does it have anything to do with the position of the pump, or has a value gone somewhere in the system?

I'd be grateful of any advice as I've got the Mrs nagging and the weather has started to get colder.


The Heating Doctor
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by The Heating Doctor » Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:54 am

I think from what you are saying that the pump is in the wrong position. The pump should be after the open vent. I would get a htg engineer in to sort this out and when it is have your system flushed clean and when filled again a good brand inhibiter added as the system will have had a lot of air added to it due to your problem, hence the dirty brown colour of the water you are seeing discharged. As you have just recently moved in, could be worth talking to your solicitor as this must have been a problem for the previous owner who has not disclosed the fact.

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Joined: Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:24 pm

by NormanNovice » Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:35 pm

Thanks Heating Doctor

I’ve read my DIY books and it doesn’t appear too difficult to move the pump???

I’ve already bought a new pump, as the existing one seemed knackered!

What I believe I need to do is remove the existing pump and replace it with a new length of pipe and 2 new compression joints??

And then I need to cut out a piece from the pipe running to the 1st radiator – attach 2 new valves to both sides of the valves and then attach them using 2 compression joints to the pipe?

I just wanted to check a few things before I start.

On my old system I used to have a T valve but there does not appear to be one on this system?

And I wanted to clarify my pipe work

1. There’s a pipe coming from under the floorboards – the pump is attached to this and just before entering the lower right hand side of the boiler a pipe from the C/H header tank water feed joins. (This C/H water feed pipe also goes into the bottom of the H/W tank upstairs)

2. There’s a pipe that comes out of the top of the boiler and this appears to be the (C/H Water tank over flow – is this called the vent?) It also goes into the middle of the hot water

3. This is the pipe I believe I need to cut into – It comes from the left hand side of the boiler and goes upstairs under the H/W tank I don’t think it goes into the H/W but off to the 1st radiator – I will lift the floorboards to check!

Does this all seem correct??

With regards to the Sols I’m afraid of throwing away good money paying a solicitor to try to get them to pay for the repairs – it could be a long drawn out fight and there’s no guarantee that I will get them to pay but I’ll have to pay the solicitor.

I really appreciate your help – thanks again

Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:24 pm

by NormanNovice » Sat Oct 20, 2007 8:25 am

Also another thought - could I not just turn the pump upside down??

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