i am a 17th edition electrician who works on comercial installations, i recently agreed to help my neighbour with his kitchen extension when was left in the lurch by a part p neigbour who moved away mid job.
the kitchen is now complete i now need it signed off by a registered part p installer.
the main water and gas are earthed, the boiler pipes are cross bonded and the sink and sink pipes are bonded together.
when i did my 17th edition i was told that suplimentary bonding was now not nessesary if satisfactory value of zs was measured during the testing process, i therefore haven't bonded the radiator pipe and fridge water/ice supply as it would of looked messy, however it is now impossible to do unless run surface.
will the guy coming to certify the kitchen want these done anyway? can it be bonded together or do you need another cable from the board? if so can i come off a socket instead? will he want to see pigtails/ links to socket backboxes?