by debz »
Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:45 pm
OMG!! I can't believe I've found this forum...I'm not crazy and nose sensitive after all!!!
I moved into my rental last August, and complained to the landlords for months about a cat smell, which they denied a cat having lived here, and I too was on my hands and knees sniffing the floorboards and detected a potent cat urine smell. I noticed the smell stronger once the windows were open, and thought it was coming from outside. I learnt to live with it, and being very unhappy, but then one day noticed the smell wasn't as strong, but of course it was September/October and the windows were closed, and have been closed pretty much all throughout Winter until a few days ago, the sun has been out, and finally I can open the window for some air..........BUT, now the smell is back!!!!!!!! I can't stand it, it actually irriates my nose, like an allergy.
So I started to search and found this forum. I'm going to send this to my landlords, not that I can imagine they will do anything about painting the wall...but I wonder if it could be a good excuse to get out of my lease early?? I'm definitely moving out by August - I decided I wasn't going to go through another winter in this house (poor insulation and cold air blowing through doors and windows), but now to think I've got to go through a summer with the windows closed and the house smelling like cat PEE!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone else suffer from any allergy from the smell??
Sorry for such a long post - but I can't believe I've found this, and now people will not think I'm crazy about the cat smell!!!!